Promise Land

I came to this inner-city like I was going to a desert with few positive expectations and some thoughts of death.

As I now sit in my garden this morning I just can’t get over how thankful I am with this promise land I now live in. When I was starting to feel guilty for this abundant life, the Lord gave me this verse from the book of John.
“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”  Jesus

As I prayed into this, so thankful to the Lord, I saw all of your gifts, money, and prayers going into this funnel. But it was an upside down funnel and the small end was up receiving and the large end was down pouring out the abundance. This is a great way to describe the past 16 years here as I feel like the ministry has been this upside down funnel with so much flowing out, so God gets the glory.

I could not have dreamed I would ever think of this place as home but not just any home but as Aaron my son once said. “The best home in Philly.”.

It is summer time and funds are tight as donations are down. So I was talking with the Lord about money and only having $5 in my wallet but not in a complaining way but in a I am good you are in control God kind of way. You know the next day 3 people came up to me and handed me cash and actually told me they felt like the Lord wanted me to have this.

I don’t share all the amazing stuff that happens here but thought you should know how thankful I feel today and how thankful I am for your support of this amazing life we have here in the inner-city of Philly.

THANK YOU!!!!!  Jim