Faith Prayer

“…Where are we to buy bread, so that these people (5,000!!) may eat?” He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.” John 6:5-6
Jesus questions Philip to alert him to an impossible situation that in and of himself would have absolutely no solution! I am taught by this testing to see the present situations in our ministry in the same light. We have needs that must be met and with human reasoning alone to come up with an answer seems impossible! Just to name a few…the complete restoration of the ministry center to the tune of 250,000 or so dollars, a growing heroin epidemic that seems like it’s taking over the city and leading young adults off as slaves to their addiction, and the daily running of operations here that require spiritual, physical, and financial resources to sustain.

What Jesus reminds me of daily is that his ways are higher than mine and he is without limitations. I cannot reason my way to the miraculous supernatural answers he will and has provided. He can simply multiply fish and loaves, why didn’t I think of that? He misses the boat while his disciples crossed over to the other side and walks on water to get there. You can do that? Never in a million years would I have come up with that! The storehouses of heaven are full of God’s unique unfathomable answers to our prayers waiting to be released by asking.

I share that with you to build up your faith to intercede over Cast Your Cares in belief God can do anything! I confess my doubt even while living in yesterdays answered prayers! Jesus provided the resources for Abby and I to go to Rwanda and what a faith building trip it was. The forgiveness I witnessed in the aftermath of 800,000 people killed by neighbors and friends in the 1994 genocide was supernatural, and again something I would not have thought possible. They are united as Rwandans and no longer delineate by tribes. “Everything is possible for one who believes” Mark 9:23

Would you please intercede for the resources needed to finish the building so Jim can continue to run the food cupboard, welcome guests to eat on Saturdays even in inclement weather, support the pancake breakfasts on Mondays, and the expansion of ministry opportunities we envision with a finished building? Pray for Jim as he disciples Vinny and Tyson. Please also pray for me as I host a share and prayer group for women in leadership in Kensington at our home Monday nights. I am honored to host these warriors in the kingdom that have come from all over the country to live here and bring Gods kingdom come His will be done on Kensington as it is in heaven!

We also ask for prayer covering over our safety, health, marriage, family and growth towards maturity in Christ. We pray for and appreciate each one of you! Your gifts and prayers sustain us and make all we do possible. “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory!” Eph 3:20