2018 Battle Against Hunger

“Our theology is best expressed in our hospitality,” Ann Voskamp writes. “Any fear of giving into God’s kingdom is flawed. It would be like a farmer who feared losing his bucket of seeds so he failed to plant his own field-and thus forfeited the joy of overflowing his barns with the harvest.” Your financial gifts are like seeds waiting to produce a harvest in both the families we serve and in your life as well. We have been blessed over the decades walking along side volunteers and supporters as they experience the gift of serving and meeting needs. We couldn’t open our food pantry doors to our hungry neighbors if your generosity didn’t fill the shelves.

“The mystery of ministry is that the Lord is to be found where we minister,” writes Henri Nouwen. “That is what Jesus tells us when He says; ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me’ Our care for people thus becomes the way to meet the Lord. The more we give, support, guide, counsel and visit, the more we receive, not just similar gifts, but the Lord Himself. To go to the poor is to go to the Lord.”

Our love for our community has been returned to us in many ways. We desire to keep extending our gift of hospitality by feeding local families, friends and neighbors in need regularly. Our partnership with the Battle Against Hunger has been a driving force to make that goal possible. This year’s battle is underway and the ride is quickly approaching. Thankfully, we have a young strong warrior joining our ranks! Zachary, our eldest son, is riding this year with Jim. We are proud Zach will be riding and on our dear friend, Chuck Inman’s bike. As many of you know Chuck, the founder of the BAH ride,was killed in a car accident. He always asked Zach when he was going to join the ride and now he has! I am cheering on the troops and watching my granddaughter so Zach can train. It’s a win/win for me!!

The 200 mile BAH ride is taking place September 14-16, from Gettysburg, PA to Washington Crossing, PA. Every gift given goes to Cast Your Cares to provide food for our many families and individuals who request food.For just $2 a mile ($400) an entire years worth of food is provided to a needy family. Or a monthly gift of $35 can also help us meet the need. Please consider covering one family or more. CYC is a not for profit 501c3, tax deductible charitable organization. You may even be able to do a matching gift through your company. No gift is too small as every penny adds up to meet the need.

Please go online PayPal.Me/castyourcares to make your donation and note that it is for BAH ride or bahride.com

Thank you for warring with us against hunger, we couldn’t fight this battle alone and value your partnership!